Admission Procedure
The admission procedure for every academic year commences on the 1st December of the preceding year.
The applicant can purchase the Prospectus from the Front Office of the school from Monday – Saturday, between 9:00am to 4:00pm. In case you wish to meet the Admission Counsellor, please call on 9991914765 to fix an appointment.
A pre-arranged appointment needs to be taken for a Campus visit.
Should the applicant wish to proceed with the admission, the process to be followed is:
The applicant would be required to submit the Admission Form to the Admission’s Department with the set of documents mentioned in point no.4. Once the documents are received, an orientation meeting will be held between the parent and the Headmistress of the School, for which a date and time will be allotted.
The applicant would be required to submit the Admission Form to the Admission’s Department with the set of documents mentioned in point no.4. Parents’ will be then called for an interaction with the Headmistress of the School, to understand the need of the student, for effective learning.
The applicant would be required to submit the Admission Form to the Admission’s Department with the set of documents mentioned in point no.4. Parents’ will be then called along with the student, for a written test in English and Maths. On the same day the Principal of the school will also be meeting the parent and the student.
Note :- All orientations, interactions and written tests will be conducted on weekdays only
Documents to be submitted with the Application form:-